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Hi and thanks for stopping by!  I know it’s a bit of a trope to welcome you to our new site, but I wanted to take this moment, while I have you here, to say “enjoy!” and “thanks!”  Please take your time to look through our stuff (that’s why we put it up here) and peruse our portfolio.  We would love the opportunity to work with you and your brand.

Also while you’re here, we want to let you know what our intentions are with this blog page.  It is our goal to keep you updated on what Imagine is doing, but also to provide useful tips for you and your business.  We want you to consider our blog as a resource of good ideas, whether we are passing them on from a source we found helpful or just making stuff up on the fly (from our brilliant marketing minds, of course).

So check back on our main blog page often and see how we can help your business grow and prosper through consistent branding and amazing marketing strategies!

See you soon!

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